


403-263-8226 301, 10820 24 St SE · Calgary · Alberta · T2Z 4C9


PLAN Calgary presents - SPRING FLING DANCE

Hey YYC!

Spring is in the air, and we feel like celebrating!

PLAN Calgary with help of valued supporters, proudly presents our upcoming Spring Fling Dance on Sunday April 6th from 3-6pm for persons with disabilities, their friends, and families. The cost is $10 per person (+$1.98 website fee). Tickets are limited availability and must be presented at time of entry.

With music from @voxboxstudiosdjskool , a CASH only twoonie tuck shop with refreshments, resource table for families, and a beautiful wellness themed raffle from local businesses, we cannot help but be excited to build some community with you! So come on out, meet some friends and other families and celebrate with us.

This is a wheelchair accessible event, with a drop off point for Access Calgary. We ask that individuals that require support, come with their required support person.

Are you a volunteer that would like to help, or are you an organization that would like to have resource materials on our resource table? Any questions or inquires please email Lindsay -

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